
Sunday, October 16, 2011

DMA101 - Audi R8 Home Page Design

For this project we were instructed to design the home page for the Audi R8. We did a bunch of work in class and came up with this design.
After going home and looking at other car manufactures websites i started planning and coming up with ideas. The following are screenshots of my project as i was working through it.

I spent quite a bit of time thinking about where to put certain things and what to add. Using other websites as reference definitely helped get the creative ideas flowing. After adding a couple main images to choose from and multiple background colors i ended up with this as my final design. 
All in all this project was super fun and challenging at some points but it was a great learning experience.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

DMA179 - Morlock Assignment

2 Photos of warning signs on the subway.

 Group shot at the subway.

St Andrews Subway Station.

We couldn't find the art at King and Emily so i just took some pics of the street signs.

A picture of some of us in a bus shelter.

Picture of the java house and the special that day. Sounded like a wicked deal to me.

Portland and Queen.

New York Subway.

Photo of Gandhi Store front.

The Silver Snail and the flyer they had inside.

The robots on the wall of Active Surplus and Adam buying a Cable of some sort.

The patio at the Black Bull was under construction but i got a shot of the sign.

Outside Black Market

One of the best spots in Toronto where the strangers are always super friendly.

As a kid i allways wondered how this got there...

After all was said and done we hit the beer store and enjoyed the rest of the day.

Saying goodbye, i may have enjoyed a bit to much.

Shots of some graffiti we saw downtown.

Friday, October 7, 2011

DMA179 - Vanilla Twist Sketching Project

For this project we were told to come up with some concept art for Vanilla Twist a fictional bakery that specializes in gourmet, designer desserts. Below are the sketches that i created that could be used on a website in a menu or something along that line. I found these images helpful when it came to designing some of this stuff.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

DMA179 - Little Red Riding Hood Mind Map

Little Red Riding Hood Mind Map  that i created, this project was designed to show how effective a mind map can be in helping to orginize and create ideas.